The powerful woman is here! That unbreakable woman is – YOU! On Women’s Day, treat yourself with some gold that defines your grit.
This day is to celebrate women across the world. But, why just one day? For the woman who takes care of her entire family, always being on top of her game at work too, deserves applause all across the year. Melorra is all about celebrating women and decorating them with THE most latest trends. Always complimenting her personality too!!
You Are Unbreakable!
Women defying stereotypes and creating a space for themselves. All the while, keeping the grace that she has. Such women need to gift themselves with something that stays with them as a reminder of their courageous self. Her passion, Her struggles, Her power translated beautifully into something gold.
Check out these 10 gold pieces of jewellery that say it out loud for you!
#1. ECO Conscious Woman!
For the strength with which SHE takes care of her family and nature too. One Earth Gold Necklace for such superwomen, celebrating their nurturing spirit!
#2. Super-woman wears bangles!
Super Suit Gold Round Bangle for the hands that know when to be soft and when to be rock solid! Changing the stereotype bangles are linked with, we bring this super chic and power-packed bangle for the superwoman in you!
#3. A Golden Salute to the WOMAN!
Gold for the Wonderful partner, Outstanding friend, Marvelous daughter, Adorable sister, and Nurturing mother that she is! Daredevil Gold Necklace to compliment your strong spirit.
#4. Boss Lady Style!
While you’re always ready to slay like a boss, do it with class, do it with gold! Pair it up with your super smart Sculpted For You bracelet. Enter springs all toned up to authority! Explore our entire Sharp Suited Collection here!
#5. Dance To The Bold Tunes!
Just like the legend of the white swan, she places her wings high and walks with grace, giving the sight of an unbreakable spirit of a beautiful dancing white swan! Brave N Blanc Diamond Pendant for the undying spirit of white swan in you!
#6. Grit And Grace!
Tailored Edge Studs for the pro power dress code, your sculpted workwear to compliment your grit lady!
#7. Beautiful Inside & Out!
For the evergreen advocate of change and for ‘THE Nature’ herself, we are all for making a statement here! When you stand united with humanity and speak out on climate change, one race, pride & love, you show you are kind. Be Kind Gold Studs to support your cause and say it out loud for you.
#8. Super Woman Vibe
Super chic and class, all in gold, for the superwoman strength with which you take care of your family and friends. With Edgy Contours Gold Bracelet, keep slaying, but in gold!
#9. For Your Suits Days!
With those formal meetings scheduled for the day, a power suit is the go-to attire of the day. So while you’re going formal with your ensemble add on a pair of subtle Scult Suit Diamond Finger Ring that goes with your round neck top. Sleek and chic is the mantra to go for.
#10. Dancing to the tunes of life!
Since now, you have a fair idea of how Melorra celebrates womanhood all through the year, don’t shy away! Pick up your first diamonds or show off your grit and strong spirit in style and ease. With Daring N Demure Diamond Necklace let the Swan do the talking and slay in white. Check out our entire White Swan Collection here!
Saluting and celebrating the ‘WOMAN’ throughout the year, we always have something to compliment your strength, power, grace, and beauty. And we believe in doing so, with a hint of gold! Be unbreakable with Melorra!
So, while you’re enamored by the beautiful ways we celebrate womanhood, check out many more such trendy, chic, classy and, powerful collections here!