To all those thoughts – ‘I can’t pull that off’, ‘Red won’t suit me’ or ‘I am too chubby for that jeans’, it’s time you #saynoto! With the start of the festive season, let’s make a new beginning, let’s start saying NO. No to everything that’s holding us back, to things that are bringing us down & to all those moments of self-doubt that’s boxing us in.
It’s time to Let go! It’s time to SAY NO!
So, what will you #saynoto?
Neha Menghwani, a famous fashion influencer and millennial woman says, “Human nature makes us find flaws in everything. Especially in ourselves. How many times have you looked into the mirror and pointed out something you would like to change? How about we #SayNoTo being hard on ourselves? Do this exercise with me – look into the mirror and comment your best feature!”
#SayNoTo Holding Myself Back!
Did you know it took me a year of contemplating and procrastinating to finally get down and start a blog? Better late than never but I still feel like I lost precious time questioning myself. I have learnt that you are your worst enemy, the hard way. And I strongly urge you to #SayNoTo Self Doubt. Stop holding yourself back, because like I always say (even to myself) the magic always happens outside the comfort zone
Wearing the gorgeous heart shaped ring, pendant and earrings set from @melorra_com
Neha Menghwani | Founder – Styleessential and lifestyle blogger
#SayNoTo Fake Happiness
I have observed many people in my surrounding trying to be fake happy, I mean.. I always listen to them saying I need to be ‘happy and happy’. But do we really need to force ourselves to always to be happy? I don’t think so… If you try to be cool, you will never be cool. If you force yourself to be happy, then you will never be happy. Maybe the problem these days is that people are just trying too hard. I just want to say Happiness will always be somewhere else if you are always chasing it.
Happiness is never in the hands of others. HAPPINESS ALWAYS COMES FROM YOURSELF! “It’s all about being YOU”! This stunning @melorra_com necklace is filling me with inner happiness!
#SayNoTo Weight obsession!
You know, girls of all kinds can be beautiful, from thin, plus-sized, short, very tall, ebony to porcelain-skinned, the quirky, clumsy, shy, outgoing and all in between. I also understand that it’s not easy though, because many people still put beauty into a confining & narrow box …think outside of the box. Whatever size or shape body you have, it’s important to embrace it and love yourself! I love myself & I’m OBSESSED with @melorra_com dreamy jewellery – it’s stylish, minimal and classy + goes well with all my trendy ensembles!
Mini Singhai, Content Curator, Ex-Cabin Crew, Animal Lover
#SayNoTo Sexism
None of us is waking to the fact that gender equality is not a female fight but a human fight. With @melorra_com and it’s beautiful precious jewellery, I’d like to use this post as an opportunity to say that the woman community as a whole has been a victim of sexism every now and then. Yes, I am loud, I wear short clothes, and I swear a lot. – It does not make me any less of a woman. Yes, I have opinions that might not resonate with everyone, and I am very open about my needs and wants- does not make me any less human. I am “too dusky” for a pretty woman? – Does not make me any less beautiful. No, I don’t wanna get married because I have hit a certain age. Yes, I drive as well as any man can! And I am literally done with sexist comments and all the discouragement and stigma that comes with it. I #Saynotosexism.
Nishtha Gandhi, Brand Strategist
#SayNoTo Overthinking
When things don’t work out according to ‘the plan’, #SayNoTo Overthinking. I am very anxious as a person so, I tend to overthink about the smallest of things. I’ve been trying to just breathe calmly when I catch myself in a situation like that now.
Aashi Adani, Content Creator – Personal Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle
#SayNoTo Self-doubt!
You are worth MORE than that. Never doubt your own abilities, never let these doubts overpower you and stop you. Just have that confidence in you and never give up. You can achieve and do whatever you wish to in life if only you really want to! Focus on yourself, trust your capabilities and put your best in everything that you do. Continue despite your failures! It’s okay to fail. What is not okay is to doubt your own self. Remember, doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will! You are strong enough to face it all, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Believe it! Never let self-doubt hold you captive. I am feeling confident and self-assured in this delicate but impactful beautiful jewellery pieces from @melorra_com
Shivani Sharma, Dancer and Fashion Influencer
#SayNoTo Preconceived Notions
I think most of us are raised with preconceived notions of the choices we are supposed to make. We waste so much time making decisions based on someone else’s idea of our happiness. These notions often lead us to overreact and taking things personally or to judge people unfairly. So today I chose to say no to preconceived notions. I am obsessed with this theme that @melorra_com is promoting and there delicate and beautiful precious jewellery that they are making me feel my most confident in!
Deepali, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel
#SayNoTo “Am I good enough?”
This is something I’ve always wondered! No matter how hard I work or how-how much I like what I create… that nagging bit of self-doubt would still be there. ‘Is it enough?’, ‘Will people like it? At the start of this year, I decided to #SayNoTo self-doubt! I decided that if I loved it.. it was the best! If I was giving it my best, then it had to be more than enough! This is something I’ve been practising every single day, in everything I do, I write, and I wear… And believe me, it’s empowering at a different level!
Sonal Agrawal, StoryTeller, Culture, Styling and Art blogger &/ YouTube Artist
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