After the gloomy days of winter, the sun is more than welcome to warm us up. With flowy summer dresses and shrugs to go with our shorts, every day is of colour! Matching our summer mood with our clothes, the relaxing vibe is a part of everything. So why leave your jewellery behind?
With summer vibes come in the summer colours. And that is something Pantone is out there to help us with! Whether it was talking about the environment or following the adventurer in you, there is a shade for everyone this season. From party wear to the beach feel, there’s one for all! And when there are international designers to help us out, is there Really anything else we need?
Picking up the colour trends of Spring Summer 2019 and including them in your precious jewellery segment, we’re all about keeping you up-to-date. When your clothes are getting a makeover, we believe your gold jewellery too! After all, the ring bling is what accessorizing is all about! Here’s what we have to match your summer mood aptly!
The Fruity Yellow Collection: Aspen Gold

The White Edge Collection: Sweet Corn

The Trendy Hearts Collection: Fiesta

The Fluo Neon Collection: Turmeric

The Lavender Collection: Sweet Lilac

The Hearts Collection: Living Coral

The Fluo Neon Collection: Pink Peacock & Pepper Stem

So take up these bright hues and refresh not just your wardrobe but also your jewellery collection. With summer in full swing, these are all you’ll need to flaunt your fashionista style! And we have every jewellery you will need to flow through Spring Summers like a queen.
Check out all our Colour Trend Collections here!